Level 19: Quick React Foray
Oh, the woe of not having any idea what to write about after a busy month break.
I’ve been meaning to refine my react chops by writing an app with it. That being said, I really want to take my time learning the ins-and-outs so that I understand the nuances of the library itself.
I’ve been meaning to present a bunch of information that’s commonly found in text books on to the web. I have a few requirements in mind:
- I want to describe the roles surrounding a Roman Catholic Latin Mass liturgy
- I want to be able to disect various parts of the Mass from the various roles to provide a different perspective
- I want to make components as reusable as possible
- I want to bootstrap and provide a minimum viable product to demo to friends
With these tenets in mind, let’s begin.
Starting off
Let’s start by creating the template, installing dependencies, and running the application.
npx create-react-app eginwong-react-throwaway
cd eginwong-react-throwaway
npm install
npm start

The customary startup screen.
A few react basics:
- all components are capitalized because HTML lays ownership over the lowercase keywords
- think to lift state out of lower-level components
- In React, however, it is a convention to use on[Event] names for props which represent events and handle[Event] for the methods which handle the events. - https://reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.html
- recommendation is not to mutate state but to clone the object, helps with performance
- functional components are less tedious to write than react ones -> don’t need to worry about
- keys are important for react to know what to update when re-rendering, component cannot inquire about its key
- classes have state
- don’t update state directly, use
- draw pictures, create component hierarchy, build static version first (don’t use state), who mutates the state should own it
- amazing walkthrough https://reactjs.org/docs/thinking-in-react.html
Anyway, sorry for not much content this time around. More real life stuff happening but I’ll try to continue to post as soon as I have internet at my new place.